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About CJEK

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  • Cambodian Journal of Experience Knowledge (CJEK) is one main project of SEKO Learning Program, which is a human resource capacity development project via individually and independently writing to share to the public, about any experience knowledge of study, work, love and society.
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  • - MoI Camboda
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  • - Tax Cambodia
  • Summary of our Services and Trainers

    SEKO Learning Program has 3 projects:- Consulting & Auditing Service, Training & Coaching Service, and CJEK; which are using 5 main activities (Consulting, Facilitating, Coaching, Training and Sharing) to be condcuted on the subjects:- Strategic Planning Skills, Admin & Human Resource Management Skills, Accounting & Finance Management Skills, KNSN, Outsourcing Staff, Accounting Skills, Admin & HR Skills, JBSS Soft-Skills, Languages & Computer Skills. We have 2 kinds of trainers:- one internal trainer (Mr. Sieng Bouhoeurng) and other external trainers who are freelances to be selected accordingly to our actual needs.

    Mr. Sieng Bouhoeurng was born in June 01, 1984, at Village 3, Serei Sophorn Commune, Serei Sophorn District, Battambang Province (in which nowadays the location is in Banteay Meanchey Province after being separated). He finished High School at Samdach Euv High School in Banteay Meanchey Province in 2001, and that time also he passed to become an physics outstanding-student of Banteay Meanchey Provice; and then he continued to study in Phnom Penh, as a scholarship student getting the Bachelor of Business Administration in the field of Management in 2006 at the National University of Management, and then getting the Master of Business Administration in the field of Management in 2011 at the Phnom Penh International University.

    By 2021, he had worked as employees for about 18 years since 2003, at private sector, non-profit sector, and government, in which there is about about 13 years working in management level since 2008. He is working as a Freelance of Accounting, Admin & HR Management, and Strategic Advisor with voluntary social work and research study about education & actual working environment in Cambodia. By the way, also he is doing an online-business selling balsam trees and other agricultural products.

    Moreover, he had ever participated oversee events, getting Certificate of Participating the Staff Training Camp Session 2010 in Vietnam, Certificate of Participating the Global Partnership Initiative Network Meeting 2010 in South Africa, Certificate of Participating the APAME 2012, and visiting UCMAS International Competition 2017 in Malaysia.

    Learning Quotes

  • The best learning in your life is your experience knowledge.
  • Take risk! If you win, you will be happy. If you lose, you will be wise.
  • Make your life hopeful, learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow.
  • Be a model of sharing for improvement rather than a model of criticizing just for fun.
  • Share whatever that you got real experience rather than whatever you just imagined.
  • Target Groups

  • - Any learner / employee needing to improve their knowledges, skills and attitudes, for their present or future job.
  • - Any employer needing to improve their internal managing systems.
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